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Planning application fees

Planning fees are set under the Planning and Development legislation.

Some types of planning applications require a fee to be paid. The scope of these fees is uniform across WA, and for most forms of subdivision and development, is set out in the Planning and Development Regulations 2009 (listed below). Most fees are on a sliding scale based on the estimated cost of development or the number of lots in a subdivision, which means that more modest proposals have lower fees than larger or more complex proposals.

WAPC fees for subdivision are reviewed on a regular basis, and may be updated by a notice published in the Government Gazette. There is also a separate fee schedule for development applications made to the WAPC under the new significant development pathway (Part 11B of the Act).

Planning and Development Act 2005 - Planning and Development Regulations 2009

Planning and Development (fees) Amendment Notice 2024

Applicable fees for ‘type 1-4’ amendments to existing strata titles schemes

The fees for approval of subdivision (Form 1A) are set out in the Planning and Development (Fees) Notice 2021 (as amended) Clause 1(1) fees apply to an application to amend an existing survey-strata scheme (‘type 1-4’ amendment) and are based on the number of lots proposed.

For example, a Form 1A application to amend an existing survey-strata scheme (‘type 1-4’) that results in 4 survey-strata lots, would be charged a fee of $3,772 (2-100 lots = $3,460 plus $78 per lot). At Form 1C endorsement stage, $677 (2 – 100 lots = $645 plus $8 per lot).

The relevant fees for an application to amend an existing built strata scheme (‘type 1-4 amendment’) are set out in the Strata Titles (General) Regulations 2019, Schedule 6 Item 3, and are based on the number of proposed lots.

For example, a Form 15A application to amend a built strata scheme (‘type 1-4’) that results in 10 built strata lots, would be charged a fee of $1,477 (2 – 100 lots = $1,217 + $26 per lot). Note there is no fee for a Form 15C under the Strata Titles Regulations 2019.