Subdivision Applications
Forms, fees and general information on how to submit a subdivision application can be accessed on the Planning Subdivision Fees and Forms page.
Development Applications
Development applications are now assessed by the Western Australian Planning Commission and can be submitted through the Planning Online Portal.
Note: Not providing all relevant information outlined in the Swan Valley Development Application Checklist may delay your application.
Swan Valley Planning Scheme No 1 Guidance Note - How to lodge an application
1.54 MB
Swan Valley Planning Scheme No 1 - Application for Development Approval Form
206 KB
Swan Valley development applications checklist
253 KB
Development Application Fees - Schedule 2 - Planning and Development Regulations 2009
131 KB
Section 40 Certificate Requests
A Liquor Licence from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is required to obtain for the sale of liquor from a premises. WAPC certification is required to be submitted with the application.
A Section 40 certificate issued by the WAPC under the Liquor Control Act 1988 confirms that the premises or proposed premises complies with an existing development approval.
The following information is to be submitted to the WAPC to support applications for a Certificate of Local Planning Authority:
- application form
- DLGSC - Certificate of Local Planning Authority - Section 40 (LLD/15) form (with applicant section completed)
- existing Development Application approval(s)
- site plan - showing street and lot numbers (to scale)
- floor plan - identification of area proposed to be used of license including alfresco areas
All Section 40 Certificate requests are to be submitted via email to [email protected] with all the information outlined above.
Note: Development approval from the WAPC may be required if a liquor licence is inconsistent with an existing approval, or results in a change of use.
Not providing all the above mentioned information may delay your application.