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Guide to Best Practice Planning Engagement in Western Australia

This document provides guidance on facilitating meaningful and appropriate consultation and engagement to support good planning.

Best Practice Planning Engagement in WA

Consultation with stakeholders and the local community is an integral part of the planning process. The Guide provides clear and consistent principles, guidance, and tools for users of the planning system on designing and delivering best practice consultation and engagement on planning proposals. 

It has been prepared for State Government departments and agencies, local governments, planning and engagement professionals, and applicants. It can also be used by the community to help better understand consultation and engagement in the planning process and how to participate in it.

The Guide applies to both statutory and non-statutory consultation and engagement for policy development, planning strategies and schemes and development applications.

Specific details on when to engage and consult for each planning process will be provided in further guidance material to be developed and included in the Western Australian Planning Manual. This guidance will include further detailed templates for each of these processes and will be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders. 

Community and stakeholder needs are always evolving which shapes consultation and engagement practices. It is recommended that an expert communications or engagement specialist is engaged to support the development and implementation of any engagement process. This will ensure the approach is contemporary, appropriate for the local audiences and successful in attracting engagement and drawing input at every stage of the planning process.