Form 11B-1 Lodgement process
To submit a Part 11B Significant Development Application to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), applicants should undertake the following steps.
Pre-lodgement Engagement
Lodgement starts with pre-lodgement engagement, which is designed to be flexible and suit various types of significant development application. It ranges from a meeting where the proposed development and known issues are discussed, through to a more detailed assessment of a proposal where the applicant can seek feedback on specific issues followed by written pre-lodgement advice from the WAPC. Depending on the nature of the proposal, design review or referral co-ordination can form part of the engagement process.
On request, a tailored pre-lodgement program is also available. This should be discussed with the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU).
To initiate a pre-lodgement meeting request, email the SDAU at [email protected] and include:
- applicant and landowner details
- address and a summary of the development
- the estimated value of the development.
An SDAU officer will be in contact to confirm pre-lodgement has been initiated and assign you a Reference Number. You can use this number to submit any accompanying plans and documentation via the Department's Planning Online portal.
Pre-lodgement documents
There are no compulsory submission requirements for pre-lodgement feedback, but the quality and detail of the WAPC's advice will be relative to the information submitted. Prospective applicants are encouraged to consider the information and degree of confidence they are seeking from the pre-lodgement advice and accordingly prepare plans and documentation with an appropriate level of detail.
It is recommended that the following documentation be provided to assist in the discussions at the pre-lodgement meeting:
- a detailed summary of the development including any concept plans or drawings and documentation that may have been prepared to inform the proposal
- any relevant contextual information such as the history of the site related to previous development applications or design reviews, and any engagement with key stakeholders or local community
- reasons for using the Part 11B pathway
- how the project addresses any relevant Part 11B criteria, for example where the proposal may be seeking the WAPC to exercise discretion in cases where another decision-maker cannot (see Application Guide for more details).
Once the information has been provided via the Planning Online lodgement portal, an SDAU planning officer will review your submission and be in contact to arrange a date for a pre-lodgement meeting.
If, following the pre-lodgement meeting, you decide you would like written advice from the WAPC, you can request this by completing the following forms. A second pre-lodgement meeting may not be required.
Written pre-lodgement advice
In requesting a pre-lodgement meeting, an applicant can also seek written advice. In this instance, the following forms must be submitted:
- Part 11-B Written Pre-lodgement Advice Request
- Part 11-B Checklist for Written Pre-lodgement Advice Request
The forms can be uploaded via the Planning Online lodgement portal quoting the reference number.
For further detail about pre-lodgement engagement, see Section 2.0 of the Application Guide, and the FAQs on the Part 11B home page.
Development Application Lodgement
Once you have completed the pre-lodgement process, you can process to lodging an application. In addition to the following two Part 11B application forms which are available in the Forms section below, you will need to submit any relevant plans and technical reports via the Planning Online lodgement portal quoting your SDAU Reference Number.
- Form 11B-1 - Checklist for Significant Developmnent - Application for Development Approval
- Form 11B-1 - Significant Development - Application for Development Approval
For further details about development application requirements, see Section 3.0 of the Application Guide.
An application will be accepted for assessment when the Department has received all relevant information, the appropriate application form and payment of the application fee. Applicants are advised that information and plans lodged as part of the application will form part of the agenda of the Statutory Planning Committee meetings.
Part 11B - Significant Development Pathway Application Guide
223 KB
Part 11B - Significant Development Checklist
468 KB
Part 11B - Request for Referral Advice
294 KB
Part 11B - Checklist for Written Pre-lodgement Advice Request
433 KB
Part 11B - Written Pre-lodgement Advice Request
2.82 MB
Form 11B-1 - Checklist for Significant Development - Application for Development Approval
433 KB
Form 11B-1 - Significant Development - Application for Development Approval
228 KB
Form 11B-3 - Part A - Notice to Minister for Planning - Request to authorise proposed development as Significant Development
1.26 MB
Premier authorisation and dealing with conflicts
Proposals not meeting value thresholds for eligibility may apply be authorised by the Premier on the recommendation of the Minister for Planning to lodge an application on the grounds that the application raised matters of State or regional importance.
A fee will be required to be paid to confirm lodgement of the application and the amount shall be in accordance with the published schedule. Fees are exempt from GST. Payment details will be provided to the applicant when you lodge your application.
Amendments (Form 11B-2)
In the event that you need to amend your approved development, including applying to extend the Substantial Commencement period, or cancel your approval, please complete Form 11B-2 - Significant Development - Application to amend/cancel development approval.
Amendments are submitted through the Planning Online Lodgement Portal, by selecting the ’Other Applications’.
Satisfying conditions
The Department, on behalf of the WAPC, is responsible for determining whether all pre-construction/pre-occupancy conditions of approval (conditions that need to be satisfied prior to lodging a building permit and/or occupancy permit) have been satisfied for Part 11B development approvals. Applicants should submit the Clearance of Conditions Matrix and copies of all technical reports and supporting documentation specified in the conditions, together with a copy of the final working drawings prepared for a building permit application.
Where a condition includes "on the advice of", the applicant should engage with the relevant agency or local government directly when preparing any required documentation before seeking confirmation from the Department that the condition has been satisfied.