What can you lodge in Planning Online?
The Planning Online Portal can accept all types of planning applications lodged with the Western Australian Planning Commission and the Development Assessment Panels. including:
- Local planning schemes and amendments
- Structure plans
- Subdivision applications, including strata title
- Development (DAPS, Part 11B, Region scheme, Swan Valley)
- Administrative matters
For a comprehensive list of applications accepted by the Planning Online Portal, please select the headings below to find out more.
Planning application lodgements available from 1 March 2024
The following is a comprehensive list of what can be lodged in the Planning Online Portal listed under each accordion heading:
- Local Planning Scheme Report of Review
- Form 1A - Resolution of a local government to prepare or adopt a new Local Planning Scheme
- Form 1B - Notification of resolution to prepare or adopt a new Local Planning Scheme
- Form 1C - Advertisement of a new Local Planning Scheme
- Form 1D - Advertisement for significant modification to a new local planning scheme amendment by local government
- Form 2A - Resolution to prepare or adopt a local planning scheme amendment
- Form 2B - Advertisement for a standard or complex local planning scheme amendment
- Form 2C - Advertisement for significant modification to a local planning scheme amendment by local government
- Local planning strategies (all tasks eg. consent to advertise, final approval)
- Request to classify a Structure Plan Amendment as a minor amendment
- Form 5A - Notification of advertising of a structure plan
- Form 5B - Application for determination of a structure plan
- Form 5C - Application to amend a structure plan
- Form 5D - Application to extend the approval period of structure plan
- Form 5E - Structure Plan Modification and Resubmission
- Form 1A - Application for Approval of Freehold or Survey-Strata subdivision
- Form 2A - Amended Plan/s for Application for Approval or Freehold or Survey-Strata Subdivision
- Form 3A - Request for Reconsideration of WAPC Decision to Approve/Refuse Freehold or Survey-Strata Subdivision
- Form 4A - Application for extending the period of time for submission of a diagram or plan of survey
- Form 1C - Application for Endorsement of Deposited Plan, Survey Strata Plan or Strata Plan
- Application for the WAPC to Clear a Condition or Conditions
- Form 15A - Application for Approval of a Strata Plan or Leasehold (Strata) Plan
- Form 15C - Application to Western Australian Planning Commission for Endorsement of a Strata Plan or a Leasehold (Strata) PlanForm 15C - Endorsement certificate. Form 15C applications delegated to local government should be lodged with local government.
- Form 21 - Application for Pre-lodgement Advice, Approval of a Community Development Statement, Amendment to a Community Development Statement, Request Extension to the Development Period, and to Meet Modifications Required by the WAPC
- Form 29A - Application for Approval of a Community Titles (Building) Scheme Subdivision
- Form 29C - Western Australian Planning Commission for Endorsement of a Community Titles (Building) Scheme Plan
- Extension of time request
- Revised Plan
- MRS Form 1 Application for Planning Approval
- PRS Form 1 Application for Planning Approval
- GBRS Form 1 Application for Planning Approval
- Region Scheme Application to Amend or Cancel a Development Approval
- Hope Valley-Wattleup Redevelopment Schedule 1 Form
- Swan Valley Planning Scheme Preliminary review of documentation
- Swan Valley Planning Scheme No. 1 - Application for Development Approval
- Swan Valley Planning Scheme Application to Amend or Cancel a development approval
- Improvement Scheme Preliminary review of documentation
- Improvement Scheme Application for Development Approval
- Improvement Scheme Application to Amend or Cancel a development approval
- Application For Development Approval (Form 11B-1)
- Application to Amend/Cancel Development Approval (Form 11B-2)
- Form 17A - Pre-lodgement advice request to facilitate early discussions regarding your application, prior to lodgement
- Form 17B - Application for development approval as part of your development application package for determination by the Western Australian Planning Commission
- Form 17C - Application to amend or cancel significant development approval
- DAP Form 1 - Notice of Development Application to be Determined by a Development Assessment Panel
- DAP Form 2 - Application for amendment or cancellation of a Development Assessment Panel determination
- Request for WAPC to sign a Notification or Restrictive Covenant
- Form 1B - Proposed WAPC Lease/License (freehold land)
- Form 2B - Amended Application for WAPC Lease, Licence, Class of Lease or Licence
- Clause 42, 47 or 53 Application
- Swan Valley - Application for Section 40 - Liquor Control Act 1988 Certificate
- DAP Presentation request form
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Last updated: 26 March 2024