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Lodging a DAP application

View and download forms and documents required to lodge a DAP application.

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Proponents can elect to have their development application considered by a Development Assessment Panel (DAP), and therefore be considered as a DAP application, if the development:

  • has an estimated cost of $2 million or more or
  • is or includes community housing that is to be provided by a registered community housing provider

The only types of development that are ‘excluded’ from being a DAP application are:

  • a single house and any associated carport patio outbuilding and incidental development
  • a development in an Improvement Scheme area
  • a public work
  • development wholly with an area identified as a regional reserve under a region planning scheme

Development applications are lodged with the relevant local government with all documentation required by the Local Planning Scheme (LPS) and Deemed Provisions, including the standard Development Application form, and related local government fees.

To elect to have a development application determined by a DAP, the proponent must provide all of the information required by the local government as well as the relevant DAP form and associated DAP fee.

Once the local government has confirmed that the application includes all required information and is eligible to be a DAP application, it will notify the DAP secretariat using the Planning Online lodgement portal below.

Visit the Planning Online Portal

Applicant documents

Applicant documents

The below documents provide the relevant forms that an applicant will require when lodging with a local government:

Local government documents

Local government documents

The below documents provide the relevant forms and templates that a local government will require when seeking extensions of time or to prepare a Responsible Authority Report.